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The reqierment of female chastity, maintained longside and in contradicion to - the modern consumer society’s injunctions to ‘live, love and be happy’ places the young woman and her male friends in a very difficult position. On the one hand she is told that the path to femininity lies in being dolled up , with it, sexy and in her swim. The worst thing she can be is a prude. On the other hand, she must still be careful about her reputation: to be too’promiscuous’ (for a woman) is considered just about the same as being ‘damaged goods’.Thus she is damned if she does, and damned is she does not. ( [...]the predominantly male elites of advertising executives and clergymen amintain (and profit from) this paradoxical situation, the result is by no means satisfactory for most men.)
A modern sex ritual which is quite subtle, tortuous, even schizophrenic.The whole game is really conducted through subtle – or not subtle- hints from him that he is ready to ‘sweep her off her feet’, or, indeed, hints from her that she is ready to be so swept. He, without really demanding ‘submission’ –which in Victorian times would have been crude, and today would be ‘chauvinistic’ – must give the impression that behind his mildmannered Clark Kent exterior lies a sexual Superman, ready, willing and able to carry her to the ultimate peaks of orgasm. She must likewise hint that behind the facade of her placid Lois Lane demeanour lies a sexua bombshell, if only he could provide the spark.
Bls. 38 og 40 í White hero Black beast eftir Hoch
Fannst þetta áhugavert...
Bókin er samt síðan ’79 svo líklega þyrfti að skoða þetta nánr í dag.
Hef samt sjálf verið að berjast við þessa þversögn í ’leiknum’...
En að öðru alvarlegra máli..
Hvað gerir maður ef maður nær ekki í leiðbeinanda sinn?
En þarf nauðsynlega frest nún!
Já ég er auli ég veit :(
The reqierment of female chastity, maintained longside and in contradicion to - the modern consumer society’s injunctions to ‘live, love and be happy’ places the young woman and her male friends in a very difficult position. On the one hand she is told that the path to femininity lies in being dolled up , with it, sexy and in her swim. The worst thing she can be is a prude. On the other hand, she must still be careful about her reputation: to be too’promiscuous’ (for a woman) is considered just about the same as being ‘damaged goods’.Thus she is damned if she does, and damned is she does not. ( [...]the predominantly male elites of advertising executives and clergymen amintain (and profit from) this paradoxical situation, the result is by no means satisfactory for most men.)
A modern sex ritual which is quite subtle, tortuous, even schizophrenic.The whole game is really conducted through subtle – or not subtle- hints from him that he is ready to ‘sweep her off her feet’, or, indeed, hints from her that she is ready to be so swept. He, without really demanding ‘submission’ –which in Victorian times would have been crude, and today would be ‘chauvinistic’ – must give the impression that behind his mildmannered Clark Kent exterior lies a sexual Superman, ready, willing and able to carry her to the ultimate peaks of orgasm. She must likewise hint that behind the facade of her placid Lois Lane demeanour lies a sexua bombshell, if only he could provide the spark.
Bls. 38 og 40 í White hero Black beast eftir Hoch
Fannst þetta áhugavert...
Bókin er samt síðan ’79 svo líklega þyrfti að skoða þetta nánr í dag.
Hef samt sjálf verið að berjast við þessa þversögn í ’leiknum’...
En að öðru alvarlegra máli..
Hvað gerir maður ef maður nær ekki í leiðbeinanda sinn?
En þarf nauðsynlega frest nún!
Já ég er auli ég veit :(
uuu var að fatta að þetta er hundleiðinleg færsla..
ó well gengur betur næst
þetta er ba deyfðin sko
Hey jó! Þetta er fín færsla kona! Sammála þessum helvísku þversögnum.
p.s.hringdu heim til hennar! It is an emergency!
Gangi þér vel!
fín færsla, mér finnst reyndar "leikurinn" á Íslandi aðallega snúast um að allir eru mjög drukknir og stelpur elta stráka sem þykjast síðan ekki vilja þær en vilja þær samt engu að síður en þegar þangað er komið vilja þær þá ekki og þá er hálf-leikur....
Mjög rétt hjá þér valdís!
hvað vill maður svosem? og hvað vill fólk svosem almennt séð?
það veit enginn held ég...
Hvað gerist svo í seinni hálf-leik Valdís?
veit það ekki, ég er alltaf tekin útaf í fyrri hálfleik:)
Annað hvort heldur deyfðin í leiknum áfram og allir sofna yfir þessu 0-0. Þau fara heim og þetta endar sem algjör slátrun á annan veginn eða þá að þetta er flugeldasýning með miklum tilþrifum, fer í framlengingu og endar í æsispennandi framlengingu.
Vítaspyrnukeppni átti þetta að vera....
já já já, af hverju líður mér illa núna...?
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