Áfram Björk!
" i have been asked by many for a statement after dedicating my song "declare independence" to both kosovo and tibet ( amongst others ) on different occasions.
i would like to put importance on that i am not a politician, i am first and last a musician and as such i feel my duty to try to express the whole range of human emotions. the urge for declaring independence is just one of them but an important one that we all feel at some times in our lives. this song was written more with the personal in mind but the fact that it has translated to its broadest meaning, the struggle of a suppressed nation, gives me much pleasure .
i would like to wish all individuals and nations good luck in their battle for independence.
justice !
warmth , björk. "
-tekið af bjork.com
Baráttukveðjur til allra sem berjast fyrir sjálfstæði á einhvern hátt
justice !
warmth , björk. "
-tekið af bjork.com
Baráttukveðjur til allra sem berjast fyrir sjálfstæði á einhvern hátt
Ég berst ekki fyrir sjálfstæði. Ég kýs að vera undirokuð. Mér finnst það voða næs. Djók.
Takk fyrir innlitið Eyrún. Og djókið :) hehe
Rakst á annað gott kvót frá töffaranum mínum: "I do believe that music can solve things. Probably a bit naïve, but I think sometimes it's better just to go out on a Saturday night, have a few drinks, just go and thump your feet for a few hours and you wake up the next day and you have solved a couple of things."
´Var búin að pósta þessu í huganum....ég er svo stolt af henni..og sammála þessu fyrir ofan. ef ég hlusta á ,,réttu" lögin með drykk í hendi (djús/bjór/hvítvín/sojamjólk) liður mér eins og ég geti sigrað heiminn og bjargað honum um leið! Það er nefnilega fjandi auðvelt að lamast eða should I say lama sjálfa sig....
valdís björt
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