Spælingar: febrúar 2008

föstudagur, febrúar 29, 2008


MRS. LOVETT:Seems a downright shame...
TODD: Shame?
LOVETT:Seems an awful waste...
Such a nice, plump frame
Wot's 'is name has...
Nor it can't be traced...
Bus'ness needs a lift,
Debts to be erased...
Think of it as thrift,
As a gift,
If you get my drift!
Seems an awful waste...
I mean, with the price of meat
What it is,
When you get it,
If you get it...
LOVETT:Good, you got it!
Take, for instance,
Mrs. Mooney and her pie shop!
Bus'ness never better using only pussycats and toast!
And a pussy's good for maybe six or seven at the most!
And I'm sure they can't compare as far as taste!
[Simultaneously]TODD:Mrs. Lovett, what a charming notion
LOVETT:Well, it does seem a waste...
TODD:Eminently practicalAnd yet appropriate as always!
LOVETT:It's an idea...
TODD:Mrs. Lovett, how I've lived
Without you all these years,
I'll never know!
How delectable!
Also undetectable!
LOVETT:Think about it!
Lots of other gentlemen'll
Soon be comin' for a shave,
Won't they?
Think ofAll themPies!
TODD:How choice!
TODD:For what's the sound of the world out there?
LOVETT:What, Mr. Todd?
What, Mr. Todd?
What is that sound?
TODD:Those crunching noises pervading the air!
LOVETT:Yes, Mr. Todd!Yes, Mr. Todd!Yes, all around!
TODD:It's man devouring man, my dear!
BOTH:And [LOVETT: Then] who are we to deny it in here?
TODD: (spoken) These are desperate times,Mrs. Lovett, and desperate measures are called for!LOVETT: Here we are, now! Hot out of the oven!
TODD: What is that?
LOVETT:It's priest. Have a little priest.
TODD:Is it really good?
LOVETT:Sir, it's too good, at least!
Then again, they don't commit sins of the flesh,
So it's pretty fresh.
TODD:Awful lot of fat.
LOVETT:Only where it sat.
TODD:Haven't you got poet, or something like that?
LOVETT:No, y'see, the trouble with poet is'Ow do you know it's deceased?
Try the priest!
TODD: (spoken) Heavenly!Not as hearty as bishop, perhaps,but then again, not as bland as curate, either!
LOVETT:And good for business, too -- always leaves you wantin' more!
Trouble is, we only get it on Sundays!
Lawyer's rather nice.TODD:If it's for a price.
LOVETT:Order something else, though, to follow,
Since no one should swallow it twice!
TODD:Anything that's lean.
LOVETT:Well, then, if you're British and loyal,You might enjoy Royal Marine!
Anyway, it's clean.Though of course, it tastes of wherever it's been!
TODD:Is that squire,On the fire?
LOVETT:Mercy no, sir, look closer,
You'll notice it's grocer!
TODD:Looks thicker,More like vicar!
LOVETT:No, it has to be grocer --It's green!
TODD:The history of the world, my love --
LOVETT:Save a lot of graves,Do a lot of relatives favors!
TODD:Is those below serving those up above!
LOVETT:Ev'rybody shaves,
So there should be plenty of flavors!
TODD:How gratifying for once to know
BOTH:That those above will serve those down below!
LOVETT: (spoken) Now let's see, here...
We've got tinker.
TODD: Something... pinker.
LOVETT: Tailor?
TODD: Paler.
LOVETT: Butler?
TODD: Subtler.
LOVETT: Potter?
TODD: Hotter.
LOVETT: Locksmith?Lovely bit of clerk.
TODD:Maybe for a lark.
LOVETT:Then again there's sweep
If you want it cheap
And you like it dark!
Try the financier,
Peak of his career!
TODD:That looks pretty rank.
LOVETT:Well, he drank,I
t's a bankCashier.Never really sold.Maybe it was old.
TODD:Have you any Beadle?
LOVETT:Next week, so I'm told!
Beadle isn't bad till you smell it and
Notice 'ow well it's been greased...
Stick to priest!(spoken)
Now then, this might be a little bit stringy,but then of course it's... fiddle player!
TODD: No, this isn't fiddle player -- it's piccolo player!
LOVETT: 'Ow can you tell?
TODD: It's piping hot!
LOVETT: Then blow on it first!
TODD:The history of the world, my sweet --
LOVETT:Oh, Mr. Todd,Ooh, Mr. Todd,What does it tell?
TODD:Is who gets eaten, and who gets to eat!
LOVETT:And, Mr. Todd,Too, Mr. Todd,Who gets to sell!
TODD:But fortunately, it's also clear
BOTH:That [L: But] ev'rybody goes down well with beer!
LOVETT: (spoken)Since marine doesn't appeal to you, 'ow about... rear admiral?
TODD: Too salty. I prefer general.
LOVETT: With, or without his privates? "With" is extra.
TODD: What is that?
LOVETT:It's fop.Finest in the shop.And we have some shepherd's pie peppered
With actual shepherd on top!And I've just begun --
Here's the politician, so oily
It's served with a doily,Have one!
TODD:Put it on a bun.
Well, you never know if it's going to run!
LOVETT:Try the friar,Fried, it's drier!
TODD:No, the clergy is really
Too coarse and too mealy!
LOVETT:Then actor,That's compacter!
TODD:Yes, and always arrives overdone!
I'll come again when you have JUDGE on the menu!
LOVETT: (spoken) Wait! True, we don't have judge yet,but we've got something you might fancy even better.
TODD: What's that?
LOVETT: Executioner!
TODD:Have charity towards the world, my pet!
LOVETT:Yes, yes, I know, my love!
TODD:We'll take the customers that we can get!
LOVETT:High-born and low, my love!
TODD:We'll not discriminate great from small!No, we'll serve anyone,
Meaning anyone,
BOTH:And to anyoneAt all!

valdís björt

laugardagur, febrúar 23, 2008

rineke dijkstra -konur eftir barnsburð

Sigga vinkona benti mér á þessa listakona/ljósmyndara sem gerði þessa seríu um þrjár konur eftir barnsburð; klukkustund eftir fæðingu, degi eftir fæðingu og viku eftir fæðingu. Mér finnst þessar myndir rosalega fallegar.
Valdís Björt

þriðjudagur, febrúar 19, 2008


...sumar og sól...
Ég er búin að kaupa mér hið langþráða Ukulele :)
Er núna að æfa mig með Ben, Aaron og fleiri sniðugum köllum á youtube og auðvitað vini mínum Lil' Rev sem kennir svo snilldarlega á nýja dvd-inum mínum...
Vona að ég geti orðið betri því þetta hljómar ekkert snilldarlega eins og er. Það var gaman að prófa blues tíminn með Rick á youtbe.. með 3 hljómum fannst mér ég geta smá ;) hehehe

Svona lítur gripurinn minn út:
Það væri gaman að fá tillögur að nafni á gersemina.

Með tíð og tíma vonast ég náttúrulega helst til þess að geta orðið eins og hann Ukulele Bratt:

já... vá, ef maður gæti veirð svona töff... (ætti ég að fá mér svona bleika mussu líka?)

Takk fyrir öll góðu kommentin kæru vinir :)
Og já myndin sem ég grét yfir var Juno, mæli eindregið með henni (en ekki búast við því að gráta sko... hehehe)


mánudagur, febrúar 18, 2008

Kannast lesendur spælinga við það að gráta yfir mynd sem er ekki einu sinni sorgleg?

fimmtudagur, febrúar 14, 2008

V dagur!

Ég hef mjög blendnar tilfinningar til þessa dags...

en hugsaði áðan fokk it! þetta er bara frekar fín hugmynd.
Fögnum ástinni og umhyggjunni í lífinu! (já ég held ég sé í eithvað væmnu skapi...)
Ekki að ég æði útí búð að kaupa eithvað ógeðslegt súkkulaði af því það er eins og hjarta í laginu, borði bara jarðaber og freyðivín í dag eða kaupi demanta slípaða af börnum eða eithvað annað fáránlegt

Ég er fegin að fá ekki viðbjóðslegar blómaskreytingar með fjöldaframleliddum ljóðum frá bláókunnugum mönnum eða krúttubangsa með súkkulaði á skrifborðið mitt í vinnunni frá leyndum aðdáanda...

Ég held samt ég gefi mömmu blóm af því ég veit hún elskar þau..
Mér finnst bara ágætt að vera minnt á að gleyma ekki að rækta ástina og umhyggjuna, ætla að líta á þetta þannig.
Ég hef líka soltið gaman af svona alþjóðlegum fyrirbærum eins og þessum degi þó mörgum finnist það sérkennaútrýmandi...
Annars lít ég aðallega á þennan dag sem v-daginn og þykir þessvegna mjög vænt um hann :)
Væri til í að búa til vinkvenna dag, vá hvað ég held að hann væri skemmtilegur!!!
Gætum gert 8. mars (alþjólegan dag kvenna) að þannig degi. Á ítalíu fá konur bara aðgang að skemmtistöðum og veitingastöðum á því kvöldi. Held það sé mikið stuð...

Annars er ég í fríi í dag og hef því haft nægan tíma til að njóta lystisemda internetsins. Ég held ég elski hypem.com :) og svo er þessi síða líka dásamleg: La Blogoteque
Hér eru nokkur lög sem ég hef verið að hlusta á í dag

nicest thing
Shit Song
með Kate Nash
Hér er annað gott með henni: : Dickhead
Irreplaceble hér er Kate Nash að taka Beyonce
Amy Winehouse: Cupid
sexual healing Með Hot 8 Brass band (finnst þetta skemmtilegt cover :) hot chip eru líka með skemmtilega útgáfu...)
love hangover
Diana Ross
piece of me

Ég vil þakka Zill fyrir að kynna mig fyrir Kate Nash :)

Svo er þetta búið að vera uppáhaldið mitt 2008 so far:

Mig langar í Ukulele!



föstudagur, febrúar 08, 2008


Fann þetta á hinu skemmtilega bloggi Alas

The Male Privilege Checklist

1. My odds of being hired for a job, when competing against female applicants, are probably skewed in my favor. The more prestigious the job, the larger the odds are skewed.

2. I can be confident that my co-workers won’t think I got my job because of my sex - even though that might be true. (More).

3. If I am never promoted, it’s not because of my sex.

4. If I fail in my job or career, I can feel sure this won’t be seen as a black mark against my entire sex’s capabilities.

5. I am far less likely to face sexual harassment at work than my female co-workers are. (More).

6. If I do the same task as a woman, and if the measurement is at all subjective, chances are people will think I did a better job.

7. If I’m a teen or adult, and if I can stay out of prison, my odds of being raped are relatively low. (More).

8. On average, I am taught to fear walking alone after dark in average public spaces much less than my female counterparts are.

9. If I choose not to have children, my masculinity will not be called into question.

10. If I have children but do not provide primary care for them, my masculinity will not be called into question.

11. If I have children and provide primary care for them, I’ll be praised for extraordinary parenting if I’m even marginally competent. (More).

12. If I have children and a career, no one will think I’m selfish for not staying at home.

13. If I seek political office, my relationship with my children, or who I hire to take care of them, will probably not be scrutinized by the press.

14. My elected representatives are mostly people of my own sex. The more prestigious and powerful the elected position, the more this is true.

15. When I ask to see “the person in charge,” odds are I will face a person of my own sex. The higher-up in the organization the person is, the surer I can be.

16. As a child, chances are I was encouraged to be more active and outgoing than my sisters. (More).

17. As a child, I could choose from an almost infinite variety of children’s media featuring positive, active, non-stereotyped heroes of my own sex. I never had to look for it; male protagonists were (and are) the default.

18. As a child, chances are I got more teacher attention than girls who raised their hands just as often. (More).

19. If my day, week or year is going badly, I need not ask of each negative episode or situation whether or not it has sexist overtones.

20. I can turn on the television or glance at the front page of the newspaper and see people of my own sex widely represented, every day, without exception.

21. If I’m careless with my financial affairs it won’t be attributed to my sex.

22. If I’m careless with my driving it won’t be attributed to my sex.

23. I can speak in public to a large group without putting my sex on trial.

24. Even if I sleep with a lot of women, there is no chance that I will be seriously labeled a “slut,” nor is there any male counterpart to “slut-bashing.” (More).

25. I do not have to worry about the message my wardrobe sends about my sexual availability or my gender conformity. (More).

26. My clothing is typically less expensive and better-constructed than women’s clothing for the same social status. While I have fewer options, my clothes will probably fit better than a woman’s without tailoring. (More).

27. The grooming regimen expected of me is relatively cheap and consumes little time. (More).

28. If I buy a new car, chances are I’ll be offered a better price than a woman buying the same car. (More).

29. If I’m not conventionally attractive, the disadvantages are relatively small and easy to ignore.

30. I can be loud with no fear of being called a shrew. I can be aggressive with no fear of being called a bitch.

31. I can ask for legal protection from violence that happens mostly to men without being seen as a selfish special interest, since that kind of violence is called “crime” and is a general social concern. (Violence that happens mostly to women is usually called “domestic violence” or “acquaintance rape,” and is seen as a special interest issue.)

32. I can be confident that the ordinary language of day-to-day existence will always include my sex. “All men are created equal,” mailman, chairman, freshman, he.

33. My ability to make important decisions and my capability in general will never be questioned depending on what time of the month it is.

34. I will never be expected to change my name upon marriage or questioned if I don’t change my name.

35. The decision to hire me will never be based on assumptions about whether or not I might choose to have a family sometime soon.

36. Every major religion in the world is led primarily by people of my own sex. Even God, in most major religions, is pictured as male.

37. Most major religions argue that I should be the head of my household, while my wife and children should be subservient to me.

38. If I have a wife or live-in girlfriend, chances are we’ll divide up household chores so that she does most of the labor, and in particular the most repetitive and unrewarding tasks. (More).

39. If I have children with a wife or girlfriend, chances are she’ll do most of the childrearing, and in particular the most dirty, repetitive and unrewarding parts of childrearing.

40. If I have children with a wife or girlfriend, and it turns out that one of us needs to make career sacrifices to raise the kids, chances are we’ll both assume the career sacrificed should be hers.

41. Magazines, billboards, television, movies, pornography, and virtually all of media is filled with images of scantily-clad women intended to appeal to me sexually. Such images of men exist, but are rarer.

42. In general, I am under much less pressure to be thin than my female counterparts are. (More). If I am fat, I probably suffer fewer social and economic consequences for being fat than fat women do. (More).

43. If I am heterosexual, it’s incredibly unlikely that I’ll ever be beaten up by a spouse or lover. (More).

44. Complete strangers generally do not walk up to me on the street and tell me to “smile.” (More: 1 2).

45. On average, I am not interrupted by women as often as women are interrupted by men.

46. I have the privilege of being unaware of my male privilege.

(Compiled by Barry Deutsch, aka “Ampersand.” Permission is granted to reproduce this list in any way, for any purpose, so long as the acknowledgment of Peggy McIntosh’s work is not removed. If possible, I’d appreciate it if folks who use it would tell me how they used it; my email is barry-at-amptoons-dot-com.)

(This is a continually updated document; the most current version of The Male Privilege Checklist can always be found at amptoons.com/blog/the-male-privilege-che… . To see posts discussing the Male Privilege Checklist and various items on it, please visit this archive page).

* * *


hér og hér

...og hér

Ég ætlaði fyrst bar aað pósta nokkrum punktum en fannst þetta svo einhvernvegin bara allt sniðugt. Reyndi að draga út nokkra góða punkta :)
Sem hinn bjartsýni feministi verð ég nú samt að pósta góðum lista með forréttindum þess að vera kona fljótlega.

Gleðilega helgi!!

paz y amor,

miðvikudagur, febrúar 06, 2008

Ítalska þingið

ég dáist að fáguninni á þinginu þarna í stígvelinu :)

ciao ciao

sunnudagur, febrúar 03, 2008

robyn nokkur.....

ung stúlka með rauða lokka benti mér og samleigjanda á þessa stúlku og hennar hörðu tóna. hún hefur töffaragáfu og rekur konichiwa bitches records....

hér kemur textinn við lagið who´s that girl sem varð til þess að hún tapaði samning við plötufyrirtæki...:

Good girls are pretty like all the time
I´m just pretty some of the time
Good girls are happy and satisfied
I won´t stop asking until I die

I just can´t deal with the rules
I can´t take the pressure

Who´s that girl you dream of?
Who´s that girl you think you love?
Who´s that girl, well i´m nothing like her
I know there´s no such girl
I swear I can´t take the pressure
Who´s that girl?

Good girls don´t say no or ask why
I won´t let you love me until you really try
Good girls are sexy like everyday
I´m only sexy when I say it´s okay

I just can´t deal with the rules
I can´t take the pressure

Let´s play a game you´ve never tried
You be the girl and I´ll be the guy
Let´s pretend everything has changed, and then
would you love me any different?

kv, robyn

föstudagur, febrúar 01, 2008

Febrúar mættur.
Vorið kannski ekki alveg á næsta leiti en nálgast þó.
Kaldi janúar fyrir bí og daginn lengir hægt og hægt.
Já, getur þetta ekki talist hluti af viðhorfi bjartsýna feministans? :P

Öll él birtir upp um síðir og í tilefni þess þetta litla ljóð:

Meðan jörðin sefur
sveipuð hvítum feldi
fara glaðlynd vermsl
með vordrauminn um æðar henni.

Ég heyri ekki nið þeirra
en nem í blóðinu
þöglan grun
um græna nál undir snjónum.

Einar Bragi
